Report of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) of 2017 : enhancing the Safety and Sustainability of the Return and Reintegration of Victims of Trafficking 
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This Report is part of IOM’s implementation of two separate but complementary projects : the CARE project (Coordinated Approach for the Reintegration of Victims of Trafficking who voluntarily return to a third country) and the TACT project (Action Transnational – Safe and dignified return and reintegration of victims of trafficking who voluntarily return to three priority countries : Albania, Morocco and Ukraine).

These two projects involved a total of nine EU Member States – Austria, Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal and the United Kingdom – which have committed to improve the return and reintegration programs available to victims of trafficking (VTT), in order to make this process safer and more sustainable, and to reduce the risk of victims being re-captured by a network of trafficking in human beings (THB). With this goal in mind, IOM, through the implementation of these two projects, has been working to develop, implement and refine standard operating procedures (SOPs) to guide the return and reintegration of victims of trafficking, and thus ensure continuity of support in this process.

This report aims to gather and share lessons learned from the implementation of these two projects and to identify avenues for the development of transnational guidance mechanisms (TRMs) between EU Member States and third countries.

The issue of transnational referral mechanisms is a key priority in the EU’s current anti-trafficking efforts, as mentioned in the EU Strategy for the Eradication of Human Trafficking1.

Ex : In 2014, 70 IOM offices located in host countries and 170 countries of origin were involved in supporting 43,786 migrants for a voluntarily return, on a worldwide scale.

Sources : IOM’s Report of 2017 : enhancing-safety-and-sustainability-return-and-reintegration-victims-trafficking