Kostenlose Verteilung von Schultaschen und Schulmaterial für Kinder von Migranten, Athen, Griechenland.
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Objective : To provide for schoolbags and school supplies to children of migrants. 

By signing the International Convention of Children’s Rights, FRANCE and its European neighbors are committed to ensuring the rights of all children present on their territory, without distinction. These children come to us, whatever the reason, the means and the purpose, have the right to be protected, to have access to health, to education, to decent living conditions … and we are duty bound to provide them with these conditions.

Location of the action : ATHENS, GREECE.

Means and resources deployed: 

September 2016 : A long historical tradition placed GREECE in FRANCE at the heart of solidarity. To make effective the start to school year for children of migrants in september 2016, the European Observatory for Non-Discrimination and Fundamental Rights has sent school bags and school supplies in Athens, GREECE, with the partnership of a local association, People’s Solidarity Association of Greece.

Field for intervention targeted by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights : Rights of the child. Asylum, migration and borders. Combating extreme poverty and social exclusion while encouraging social inclusion.

Directive targeted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union : DIRECTIVE 2013/33/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL OF 26 JUNE 2013 laying down standards for the reception of applicants for international protection (lean more : http://europeanmigrationlaw.eu/en#asile_113_0_0).

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