Personalized support for employment of young graduates in a situation of discrimination.
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Personalized support for employment of young graduates in a situation of discrimination.

Since its launch, the Association „NQT“ has been implementing an operation aimed at encouraging the professional integration of young graduates, Bac + 3 and more (Bac + 4 and more for Ile-de-France, with experimentation Bac + 3 in QPV), under 30 years old, from underpriviledged social backgrounds or from deprived neighborhoods, thanks to a system of sponsorship by executives, assimilated and even experienced business leaders (advices on job search, resumes, letters of motivation, interviews, helps with the constitution of a network, etc.).

The Association NQT develops concrete actions that will accelerate the professional integration of these ambitious and deserving young persons and give all the same opportunities to access a permanent and qualified job.

NQT proposes to its employers and partners to ensure, in their actions, an approach to valorize equal opportunities. It is a simple and practical way to facilitate exchanges between young graduates and professionals.

=> The Association NTQ  has become a Member of the European Observatory for Non-Discrimination and Fundamental Rights.

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