Housing actions for homeless persons in flats from the private housing stock, NANTES – FRANCE.
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Objective : To encourage housing actions of homeless persons in flats from the private housing stock and to promote their social integration. 

Location of the action : DOWNTOWN of NANTES (Budapest Street), FRANCE.

Means and resources deployed :

February-July 2016 : During the 2016 winter, sending out one of our Teams of volunteers of our Association, in emergency cases, to seek for emergency accomodation for homeless persons, in hotel rooms accepting homeless persons without professional income and with dogs.

Specific Housing Action of a homeless person, Steve, 35 years old, with his dog «Star»,  in a flat in the private housing stock of NANTES, FRANCE, and equipment of the flat with new kitchen appliances and accessories, a new fridge, sofa and small furniture.

Short duration of this rehousing action for this homeless person, by our specialized Team : only 15 days !

Extensive and in-depth expertise of our Association in this field of rehousing actions for homeless persons.

Field for intervention targeted by the European Commission : Europe 2020 Strategy. European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion.

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[av_content_slide title=’Gaëtan explains how to relocate homeless persons’ link=» linktarget=»]
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[av_content_slide title=’Contact and trust with Steve have been performed with the purchase of a new pair of shoes.’ link=» linktarget=»]
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[av_content_slide title=’Taming Steve’s dog is a sign of confidence.’ link=» linktarget=»]
Didier garde la chienne de Steve
[av_content_slide title=’Taming Steve’s dog is a sign of confidence.’ link=» linktarget=»]
Des os en peau de buffle pour la chienne de Steve
[av_content_slide title=’Taming Steve’s dog is a sign of confidence.’ link=» linktarget=»]
La chienne de Steve
[av_content_slide title=’Taming Steve’s dog is a sign of confidence.’ link=» linktarget=»]
Tumtum garde la chienne de Steve
[av_content_slide title=’In the hotel room, Steve and his dog. ‘ link=» linktarget=»]
STEVE en hébergement d'urgence
[av_content_slide title=’In the hotel room, Steve and his dog’ link=» linktarget=»]
Steve et sa chienne à l'Hôtel
[av_content_slide title=’Rehousing action performed ! ‘ link=» linktarget=»]
Action relogement Steve achevée - Cour
[av_content_slide title=’Rehousing action performed ! ‘ link=» linktarget=»]
Appartement de Steve - Intérieur
[av_content_slide title=’Rehousing action performed ! ‘ link=» linktarget=»]
Hall d'immeuble Zara - croquettes pour chien