Hate Crime
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Our Association collects good practices to improve the reporting and the recording of Hate Crime, or serious incidents related to hate crime or hate speech, especially against refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, or against persons with disabilities, or serious incidents related to islamophobia, antisemitism or christianophobia in the Member States of the European Union.

The cooperation between Associations and NGOs can be highly useful.

If you are an Association or a NGO, and if you have an experience or actions to share, to fight against this phenomenon in the European Union, especially by crime prevention, you can send us an e-mail.

Extract :

«Violence and offences motivated by racism, xenophobia, religious intolerance, or by bias against a person’s disability, sexual orientation or gender identity are all examples of hate crime.

These crimes can affect anyone in society. But whoever the victim is, such offences harm not only the individual targeted but also strike at the heart of EU commitments to democracy and the fundamental rights of equality and non-discrimination. 

To combat hate crime, the EU and its Member States need to make these crimes more visible and hold perpetrators to account. Numerous rulings by the European Court of Human Rights oblige countries to ‘unmask’ the bias motivation behind criminal offences.

Efforts to form targeted policies for combating hate crime are hampered by under-recording, ie the fact that few EU Member States collect comprehensive data on such offences. In addition, a lack of trust in the law enforcement and criminal justice systems means that the majority of hate crime victims do not report their experiences, leading to under-reporting. FRA’s work documents both of these gaps in data collection, as well as the extent of prejudice against groups such as Roma, LGBT, Muslims, and migrant communities. At the same time, it makes recommendations on how the situation could be improved.

Article 1 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights guarantees the right to human dignity, while Article 10 stipulates the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Article 21 prohibits discrimination based on any ground, including sex, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation or disability».

Learn more : European Union Agency for fundamental rights (FRA) : http://fra.europa.eu/en/theme/hate-crime.