Surrogacy can not be ethical.
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The CoRP (The Collective for the Respect of the Person) fights actively all forms of surrogacy and misconceptions about surrogacy.

Surrogacy can not be ethical.

Learn more CoRP : misconceptions on surrogacy.

“1. Examples of GPA can be found in the Bible.

False: All examples used to suggest that women mentioned in the Bible would be surrogate mothers are commented on tendentiously. These women are procreative for others (Abraham, Hagar and Sarah) or raped, but they raise their children and take them with them when they are hunted.

2. GPA is a medical technique.

False: Surrogacy is a social practice. This practice uses two medical techniques,artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, which wants to respond to a demand from society. But having a surrogate is not a medical procedure : it does not cure, treat, or heal. The surrogate mothers are in perfect health.

3. My body belongs to me.

False: By this feminist slogan, women claim free disposition of their bodies, access to contraception and abortion. In a patriarchal society, women ask to decide if and when to have children. As for as surrogacy is concerned, the body no longer belongs to the surrogate mother, but to those who pay for it. Sponsors decide how many embryos to implant, how much to let them develop; they decide on fetal reduction, possible abortion, delivery, the mother’s diet, her movements, her frequentation, her living conditions, her consumption. Neither her body nor her life no longer belong to the surrogate mother.

4. If the ovocytes are not those of the surrogate mother, there is no mother-child relationship.

False: During pregnancy, natural and lasting (epigenetic) bonds are created between the mother and the child. The development of the embryo depends on the environment provided by the maternal body. The mother, her body, her behaviors, her thoughts modulate the genetics of the unborn child. Traces of the mother-child bond persist for years in the body of the mother as in that of the child.

5. To oppose surrogacy requires being homophobic.

False: To refuse surrogacy is to refuse a social practice contrary to the dignity of women and children. Because, whatever the sex, the sexuality, the civil status of the persons sponsoring, the practice is the same one. It is always based on the use of women’s bodies and the transformation of children into objects, which can be born by contract.

6. To oppose surrogacy requires being reactionary.

False: Many feminists have opposed this practice since its inception, and show that it relies on the exploitation of misery or lack of resources for women to use their reproductive abilities. Multiplying paid pregnancies is not progress. Encouraging women to do so is sexist. Surrogacy is a reactionary practice.

7. The “supervised” surrogacy is ethical, therefore acceptable.

False: Framing is assuming pregnancy can be contracted. To supervise is to organize by law the use of the body and the person of a woman on behalf of others. Pregnancy is not work, the child is not a consumer product depending on individual desires. There is no ethical surrogacy”.